Sunday, February 21, 2010

Issue # 3

Social Insecurity. It has become obvious that there are major issues with the Social Security program. It cannot be denied that Social Security (SS) is going bankrupt and is not good for the future of younger citizens such as myself. Two major decisions or options on the table right now are offering private investment accounts or just slashing benefits to the bone to allow SS to stay alive. Both options have positives and negatives but it cannot be denied that something needs to be done. As a young citizen I am personally paying into it but it is highly unlikely that I will ever see any benefits from it unless something drastic is done. One other option is raising the retirement age so that less people are getting benefits.

My opinion on the matter is that we need to do something quick and some thing drastic. I will be paying into SS my whole life and more likely than not at the pace we have been going at I will not see a dime of that money put back towards my retirement. I think that what we need to do is cut benefits to people to spread it out a little wider so it will last longer and probably raise the retirement age as well. We need to balance out our budget so we start bringing in more money than spending it to keep this SS system alive. Idealy it would not have to happen but in the economic climate we live in and the state of SS we need to do something drastic and we need to do it quick to save ourselves from the decline of SS. U.S. senator Larry Craig and I have some very similar views on this topic.

A nice little pic of the senator that agrees with me Larry Craig

Topic # 1

Topic # 2